caught in 1963 and 1980 Heros apendiculatus particularly at parts
of riverbanks overgrown with grasses of the Yarina Cocha (Rio Ucayali).
\usually they were not far from the banks and extremely rare farther
from the cost in deeper water
In 1993 RAINER STAWIKOWSKI and CLAUS SCHAEFER caught Heros appendiculatus
in a number of lakes in flooded forest ( Igapó )at the bank at
the mid-Rio Tefe. They caught the animals that were in deeper and free
water with a cast-net.

A pair of Heros efasciatus
and SMITH admitted the names of the Cichlids of the Genus Heros in a
list with the typical residents of the floating meadows where the fishes
that are called in that neighborhood "Cara roxo" ( = red cichlid)
mainly live of waterinsects and their larva. Here the Heros varieties
are caught with casting nets also and sometimes with fishing rods and
eaten. At the angling almost only shrimps (genus Palaemonidae)
that are present here in large numbers, are used as bait. According
to these fisherman the fishes are only during the day in the open water,
at night they seek out the flooded forests. By gastric analysis at animals
of ca18 to 20 cms one found out that the animals feed themselves at
high water and at low water as well with landplants and only at low
water also with landinsects. Further there were also parts of fish,
Detritus,waterplants, fruits and seeds in the stomachs. The examined
fishes came from very different habitats; sandy beach,submerged forest,
lakes on the islands and riverbanks with a lot of wood. (Goulding, Carvalho
& Feirrera 1988.)
The next species are distinguished
appendiculatus Castelnau1855
from Ucayaliriver (Synonym: Uarus centrarchoides Cope 1872 from
the Ampiyacu, a tributary on the northern side of the Ucayali river)
The species distinguishes himself from H. severus by a higher
bild, Thikker lips and incomplete striping in the adult animals (The
stripes are reduced to a row of black spots at the ventral side.)
Heros efasciatus Heckel 1840
Heros notatus (Jardine in Schomburgk,1843)
Heros severus Heckel 1840 (Also known as severum
banded cichlid)
Heros spurius Heckel 1840
And at least during the last years some specious were discovered with
much red in the color of the body. Heros sp.redshoulder and Heros sp.
rotkeil. The scientific standing of them is vague. So what we are waiting
for is a in great revision detail of the genus Heros.