three circumstances determinate the extent in which the algae in an aquarium will
grow. Such as: the chemical parameters of the water, the oxygen content and the
wavelength of the light; in plain words; the color of the lamps. We will try to
make all three of these circumstances optimal.

a plant growth like in this aquarium you must not count, since with the duality
of the Water as specified here plants will hardly grow, if at all.
quality of the water can approach at best that of the natural habitat as close
as possible. That means that the pH can lay at best between 8.6 and 9.5; Carbonate
hardness between 16 en de 20 o dH; de total hardness between 17 and 10 o dh; and
the Conductivity 20 o C; between 570 and 640 micro-siemens/cm. At best we keep
temperature in the neighborhood of 24o C. Only too often at inspections I observe
a temperature that is to high, based on the surface temperature in the lake, which
may defer quite 6 degrees with the temperature at larger depth. This higher temperature
accelerates as it were the vital functions of the fish. They are sooner adult
and burnt-out, it stimulates mating and reproduction. Animals that reproduce to
early don't develop well.
Oxygen in the water can be stimulated by regularly
and carefully clear all excrement's and rests of food. Fishes living on vegetarian
fare often digest enormous amounts of food. One often sees the processed algean
zie je vaak in the form of the typical curved sausages on and between the rock
.At the decomposition of them a lot of oxygen is used. Specially underneath the
rock work lots of these substances stay there to long and unperceived. In order
to prevent this one can at the equipment of the tank put a perforated tube under
the stones with in the corner a standpipe. By driving water through the pipe with
strength the smooth on the bottom is washed away. Also the lead back from the
filter to the tank can be leaded ( possibly partial) through this standpipe.
color of the tubes. In the first place for a satisfying growth of algae we
need a lot of light . At least 3 Watt/dm2. On the second place the right
light. You see, algae react in an other way at light than higher plants do. It
has to do white the function in an other way of the chloroplasts. They thrive
best under light with a great part of blue light. A combination of the color numbers
83o (Warm white) and 84o (cool white/daylight) in the proportion of one to two
has proved itself by practical experience. These color numbers are standard. That
means that they are the same for all labels
The feed; Feeding wormlike
food like earthworms, red or black mosquito larvae's, tubifex and author stuff
like that to vegetarians is not wise. The long intestinal canal, fixed up to a
slow digestion of the algae, don't react very well to it. All kinds of vegetarian
food on the other hand can serve well as supplementary food. I think of spinach,
curly kale, endive, lettuce, blanched sprouts, but also young peas. Perhaps than
the fishes leave a beautiful overgrowth wit algae on the rock intact. Crustaceinss
like Cyclops and Bosminen replace the microorganisms in the Aufwuchs (agal growth
on the rock in Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika).